
Everyday heroes: The 15:17 To Paris

Authors are instructed to hook your audience, pace the action and keep your reader eager to turn each page. Good solid advice. Occasionally there is a tale that demands to be told just the way it took place. No added drama, no window decorating, just the honest life account of everyday men who became heroes. Heroes that saved hundreds of lives. This weekend we went to see the film directed by Clint Eastwood.  The 15:17 To Paris. It wasn’t what I expected, but it was well worth watching. I expected it would be all highContinue reading


The Land of Legends

I’m in Glastonbury, England. Not physically, in my head, the current setting in the book I am writing. I can almost feel the cool wind and the smell of the English countryside.  A wonderful historical place, a place of legends. What is true and what isn’t? That is the mystery so many have tried to solve. Archaeologists, scholars, so many have sought the evidence or lack thereof, to prove or disprove.  Some of these the legends have been around since the 1st century. Written about by early scholars only to be contradicted centuries later byContinue reading


What Every Author Needs

The feeling when you finish writing your first book is…, more than fantastic. You have completed the story and you can’t wait to see it in print. For most new writers, it gets sent to Beta readers, goes through edits and then as the excitement builds, you publish. It’s your story, your baby and you want to share it with the world. Problem number one. You are a new author, still studying and learning the craft. But your story is fantastic and you know everyone wants to read it NOW! Problem number two. Did youContinue reading


Guest post by Anne Pyle

Today I have a guest post from fellow writer Anne Pyle. Enjoy!       Anne Pyle is a recent graduate and wife living in East Texas and writing away. She enjoys reading, watching television, and jamming to anything indie.   You can view Anne’s blog at       I love to write. I’ve been writing and posting poems for days, and while it is majorly challenging and exhausting, I also feel proud to see what I have accomplished so far. Writing is extremely difficult, but through the trial comes beautiful work. ThatContinue reading


The Benefits of Reading

Is reading beneficial? The answer is of course an emphatic yes. Reading takes you to places you could only dream of, introduces you to historical leaders and opens your mind to all possibilities.  If you are an avid reader as I am, there is no doubt your life has been enriched by reading. Reading is entertainment, educational, relaxing, inspirational and so many other things. When I meet someone who declares they “never read” I am puzzled. I can just not imagine anyone not reading, I refrain from commenting my opinion but inwardly pity the poorContinue reading


The Power of One

Do you think a writer’s  stories reflect how they would like real life to be? Probably not if they are horror writers or into vampires and werewolves but in most books, even horror, the general theme is good versus evil.  My work of fiction is reflective of the world that I would prefer. A peaceful world of humans helping humans, bringing out the good in each other. Oh it’s not all good, there are some bad guys but the main characters are good. Not Mother Theresa good but kind of heart. The saying “you can’tContinue reading


Revisiting the Past

I love to write and yet I have never been one to keep a journal, this year I have made a commitment to do so. What prompted this New Year’s thought you might ask? Memory triggers. While putting up the Christmas tree each ornament brought back memories of a Christmas past. Not just the Christmas but reminders of the year, places visited, important events.  I have always tried to purchase a new ornament each year, not just any ornament and not bought for the look. I try to find an ornament from places we travel,Continue reading


The Power of Words

Where would we be without words? They can build someone up or bring them crashing to the ground.  Words educate, inspire, encourage, bring hope, despair and destruction. Words can be a powerful tool or a dreadful weapon. Authors and avid readers live for where the “words” are taking them next. We go to imaginary worlds, relive the life of someone long gone, root for the downtrodden, despise the villain, visit the future, the past and live vicariously through the characters. Written words make us think and feel. Only limited by the writer’s imagination. Authors takeContinue reading


Interview with Todd LaTourette… author,actor,singer and friend.

I am honored to interview Todd LaTourette…, actor, singer and friend. (book cover design created by Todd Lawson LaTourrette) My review of Consumed: “An emotional and enlightening journey into the life of a brave soul battling bipolar disorder. Todd takes us on his journey with raw honesty.Unlike many who suffer with this he was fortunate to have a loving family that supported, comforted and worked with him without fail.” (the remainder of this review may be viewed at the bottom of this page)… Consumed is a must read for anyone who wishes to have aContinue reading


Do you share your gift?

After publishing my first book last year I joined numerous writers forums and Facebook pages. It is a humbling experience to see how many gifted, yet unknown individuals are among these groups. Some write so well that you are drawn into another time, another place as an observer watching the most intimate details of the characters as their story develops. Reading the last page is like saying goodbye to a dear friend. That is a gift, to tell a story that brings to life the characters within. Others write poetry that touches the heart andContinue reading