Category: Blog


Glastonbury England and Joseph of Arimathea. Fact or Fiction?

In the age of technology we have the ability to research subjects as never before. While researching historical documents for my current work of fiction I came to one major conclusion. For every document written there appears to be another refuting it. Frustrating to say the least. How could someone in another  century determine that the writer of a 5th century document was not accurate? I should not be surprised,  as there are those who wish to take apart the writings of the Disciples in the New Testament and deem them to either be contradictoryContinue reading


One simple word. Respect

Would you believe me if I told you there is a solution to all this turmoil going on? It’s really a simple one. Although the answer might offend some. One word, RESPECT. I know I was raised in a different era but I was taught to respect others. We were taught to respect our elders, teachers, law enforcement, basically anyone in authority. Granted there was a little bit of fear mixed in with that respect to keep our behavior in line but mostly we did respect them. Whether you agreed with their view-point or actionsContinue reading


Inherited Memories

In my second book in The Descendant trilogy, The Promise, the main character learns of generational memory. She finds out there is part of her brain, when awakened, which houses the knowledge of her ancestors. She is not the only one with this gift. Human’s from the beginning of time were designed with this ability but through time had closed off a large part of their brain and now function on only a small portion.  Just a work of fiction, a writer’s mind letting the imagination wander into unknown areas. You can imagine my surpriseContinue reading


Protesting is fruitless, resolution takes effort.

These days it seems everyone is offended by something. If you look hard enough at anything I am sure if you are so inclined you will find something objectionable. Personally I would rather not be offended so I choose to focus on the good and if I do find myself faced with something that is against my core beliefs, that I can not overlook, I move on or try to resolve it. As you can tell I am not a protester. I would rather spend my time finding a solution to a problem than objectingContinue reading


Keeping it natural

I have always had an interest in essential oils but have never taken the time to really learn about them. I was invited to attend an essential oils class at Family Acupuncture and Wellness Center this morning, sponsored by Dr. Christina Arbogast and I am so glad I went. There are so many uses for essential oils for those of us wishing to avoid chemicals and keep it natural. Many of the oils mentioned are reminiscent of those mentioned in the bible and have been used since time began for healing and wellness purposes. Remember theContinue reading


What will we leave behind?

I have been reading an old book, a very old book, published in 1911 “Life Letters and Journals” Louisa M. Alcott. It is a collection of letters written by her to family members and excerpts from her journals. It gives such an insight into the real person. One letter reveals her excitement at being paid for an article she wrote for a magazine in her early days of writing. She was outspoken and head strong for a woman of that time period and quite courageous.  She speaks of her time volunteering at camp hospitals during theContinue reading


Are you judgemental?

Are you judgemental? If you walk on two legs and breathe then the answer is probably yes. We would all like to think we are not but often our basic instinct is to form quick opinions prior to obtaining all the details. I like to think that I give the benefit of the doubt when forming opinions and sometimes I do but all to often I fail. This is one of the aspects of human nature that is not flattering. I was reminded of this while streaming  a movie this weekend. The star of theContinue reading


Déjà vu

What is déjà vu? Is it something your subconscious mind saw or heard, hidden in the recesses of our memory until something or someone stimulated the memory? Or is it something more? Some believe it is memories of a past life, evidence of a reincarnated soul. Some say it a similar event, forgotten and pushed away until a similar event, place or person enters out life and the memory is a trigger. But only enough to make us feel the connection. Instead of connecting the trigger to our similar memory we create a new one. ThinkingContinue reading


Early Roman writings

Archaeology is wonderful! I was doing some research on the internet this morning when I stumbled across a story from the BBC, dated 1st of June 2016,  regarding recent finds at a London dig. They made an exciting discovery of wooden tablets with early Roman writing, preserved in the mud of the buried Walbrook river. As no oxygen was able to get to them they did not decay as they normally would.  Some of the tablets have been translated and one dated  AD 43-53, translation reads; ” …because they are boasting through the whole marketContinue reading


One Small Act of Kindness

In my book, The Acceptance Book One in The Descendants series, a small act of kindness escalates into a global event. Changing the live’s of those touched by it. Regardless of the size or type of act. Touching people who had almost given up hope of the existence of humanity.  In real life we hear of others having their day lifted by someone in front of them paying for their order. The receiver is excited to tell everyone how it made their day, even if it was only a few dollars. It’s not the monetaryContinue reading