One Small Act of Kindness

In my book, The Acceptance Book One in The Descendants series, a small act of kindness escalates into a global event. Changing the live’s of those touched by it. Regardless of the size or type of act. Touching people who had almost given up hope of the existence of humanity.  In real life we hear of others having their day lifted by someone in front of them paying for their order. The receiver is excited to tell everyone how it made their day, even if it was only a few dollars. It’s not the monetary amount of the kindness, just the simple fact another human being took the time to pass on a gift to a total stranger. The real pleasure comes to the giver, when we do something nice it makes us feel good, feel positive and makes the day and our attitude improve. Why is it better to give then receive? It is programmed into us, that is the core nature of humankind. Strip away all the hype and media coverage telling us we don’t like each other and you will find that we do like each other. The majority of the population would give pause before doing anything to intentionally hurt another living being, through words or action. The mob effect however brings out the worst in those involved. They feed off each others anger and do things they would never, and I mean never, do on their own. Can the mob effect work on the good deed side? Yes and we have seen it. Usually when a person receives an act of kindness they feel the need to pass it on and they do. I have never thought mass protesting to be effective. To me it works in reverse, block the highway I am trying to get to work on and I will not feel kindly towards you or your cause, whatever it may be. Tell me your story, without name calling and hatred and I will listen. Show me what you want to do to make your cause better and how I can help you,  not that I need to fix it. I think we as humans respond better and are agreeable to help those who are trying to help themselves, peacefully without hatred.  Perhaps you might change my mind, perhaps my seeing your desire to improve your situation, driving you to work towards your goal, inspires me to reach out and help you.   So my thought for today is that we each start in our own household, own neighborhood, own community, to effect change through kindness. Teach our children to be respectful of others, to respect themselves and to offer a helping hand up to those that need it. Above all else teach them that name calling is not attractive and reflects badly on those that are doing it no matter how bad the recipient of their anger is.  There is no one on this planet that is better or more important than anyone else. God created us all equal. We are all beautiful humans in his eyes and we need to lose the labels and see each others as he does. Labels divide us kindness unites us.

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