I’m in Glastonbury, England. Not physically, in my head, the current setting in the book I am writing. I can almost feel the cool wind and the smell of the English countryside. A wonderful historical place, a place of legends. What is true and what isn’t? That is the mystery so many have tried to solve. Archaeologists, scholars, so many have sought the evidence or lack thereof, to prove or disprove. Some of these the legends have been around since the 1st century. Written about by early scholars only to be contradicted centuries later byContinue reading
Tag: Glastonbury
Glastonbury England and Joseph of Arimathea. Fact or Fiction?
In the age of technology we have the ability to research subjects as never before. While researching historical documents for my current work of fiction I came to one major conclusion. For every document written there appears to be another refuting it. Frustrating to say the least. How could someone in another century determine that the writer of a 5th century document was not accurate? I should not be surprised, as there are those who wish to take apart the writings of the Disciples in the New Testament and deem them to either be contradictoryContinue reading